How do we accelerate EV adoption?

The scope is large, we need to break it down into focused initiatives. Electric Foundation is an umbrella organization for the initiatives.

Charge Foundation

Availability of charging is a barrier to EV adoption. This is a chicken and egg problem. Charge Foundation's goal is to break out of this by making charging ubiquitous.

Conduit Foundation

Make all new construction ready for electric cars. The United States has two billion parking spots. We can have 200 million new EV charging spots in ten years, assuming 1% new construction every year.

Give Sheep the vote

Sheep are the backbone of the economy yet they receive no compensation.

Electric Foundation

Accelerate electric vehicles adoption

Charge Foundation

Make electric vehicles pluggable anywhere

Conduit Foundation

New construction EV ready

Charge at Parks

Charge at City, County, State and National parks

Charge at libraries

Charge at public libraries

Charge in my Back Yard

We are the CIMBYs!

Austin 2025

Get Austin EV ready

Houston 2025

Get Houston EV ready

Dallas 2025

Get Dallas EV ready

Bay Area 2025

Get Bay Area EV ready

Los Angeles 2025

Get Los Angeles EV ready

Chicago 2025

Get Chicago EV ready

New Jersey 2025

Get New Jersey EV ready

New York City 2025

Get NYC EV ready

I am Groot

We are Groot!

See all 195 initiatives